HC Deb 01 March 1883 vol 276 c1153

asked the Secretary of State for "War, Whether it is a fact that Lieutenant General the Hon. E. T. Gage, C.B. is to be removed from the command at Woolwich on the 31st of this month, although it is a five years' appointment, and he has not held it for two years; whether the reason of this decision is that, owing to his distinguished service in the Crimea and India, he obtained his promotion to the rank of Lieutenant General more rapidly than if he had not rendered such distinguished service; and, whether, under these special circumstances, and considering the heavy expenses necessarily incurred by Lieutenant General Gage in taking up the command, an exception could be made in his case so as to admit of his continuinug to hold his Staff appointment, as was done in the case of Lieutenant General Sir Frederick Campbell, Director of Artillery and Stores at the War Office, and Lieutenant General Radcliffe, Inspector General of Artillery?


Lieutenant General Gage having been promoted from the rank of Major General, is required by the Royal Warrant to vacate his appointment of Major General on the Staff at the end of the financial year in which he was promoted. Lieutenant General Gage's early brevet promotion for service in the field has doubtless brought him earlier to the rank of Lieutenant General; but the early promotion carries various advantages. The officers in the cases quoted did not exceed the tenures allowed by the Royal Warrant.