HC Deb 25 June 1883 vol 280 c1407

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether it is true that Dr. Dunne, one of the Secretaries of the Royal University in Ireland, is ono of the paid staff of a public journal as special correspondent and an editorial writer, and in that capacity freely discusses the internal and external affairs of the Royal University, and Irish political questions generally; and, whether, in view of the course taken by the Government in the case of the late Solicitor of the Land Commission, such contributions to the Press are compatible with the rules of the Civil Service?


Sir, I have received a letter from Dr. Dunne, in which he states— I am not on the staff of any newspaper I have no engagement with any newspaper; I receive no salary from any newspaper. As to the Royal University, it is not the case that I have freely discussed its internal and external affairs. I have never held any communications about it with persons not officially connected with it, except upon matters publicly known; and I have never given one particle of information concerning it which was of a private character.