HC Deb 18 June 1883 vol 280 c793

asked the Postmaster General, Whether his attention has been called to the practice, recently adopted by certain persons, of advertising by means of announcements printed in form and enclosed in envelopes precisely similar to those used by the Post Office Telegraph Department, which communications have been delivered by hand to householders in London in large numbers, and have caused considerable inconvenience; and, if so, whether any means exist or can be devised to prevent the use of such colourable imitations of telegrams?


Sir, my attention was recently called to an advertisement of the kind described by the hon. Member, and I may say that on my pointing out to the person responsible for its issue how objectionable such a form of advertisement was, he expressed his deep regret, and promised that he would never issue such an advertisement again. Whenever anything of the kind has been brought under the notice of the Department, and this has not often occurred, a remonstrance has always had the effect of stopping it.