HC Deb 14 August 1883 vol 283 c464

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether the fact stated in the Reports and Evidence laid before the Royal Commissioners in respect to the Swords Borough Schools, showing there have been many misapplications of the funds in violation of the spirit and terms of the Charter; are there any, and, if so, what reasons to prevent a public examination from being held for the distribution by competition of the entire of the prizes and apprenticeship fees amongst the scholars entitled to share them under the terms of the Charter; and, will there be any objection to lay upon the Table of the House the communications which have passed between the Lord Chancellor and the Government in reference to this School?


, in reply, said, be had communicated with the Lord Chancellor of Ireland, who was one of the Trustees of this school, respecting the matters complained of by the hon. Member, and he had not yet heard from his Lordship. He would write again that evening.