HC Deb 06 August 1883 vol 282 c1620

asked the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Whether the British claims against Brazil, after being investigated by Mr. Clare Ford, were sent out to Brazil and urgently pressed on the attention of the Brazilian Government, and with what result; and, whether he has reason to expect that the recent change of Ministry at Rio will in any way affect the prospects of settlement?


Before addressing any further instructions to Her Majesty's Minister at Rio Janeiro, it was found necessary to arrive at a decision on certain legal points which had arisen upon Mr. Ford's Report. This has caused some unavoidable delay; but I trust that the question will very shortly be in a position to be submitted to the Brazilian Government. My hon. Friend will understand that it is not in my power to predict the effect which the recent Ministerial changes in Brazil may have upon the settlement of the claims.