HC Deb 24 April 1883 vol 278 c1055

ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, If his attention has been called to the decision of Majors Evanson and Irwan, special R.M.'s, at Limerick, on April 13th, in the case of Messrs. Michael Sheehan and John Linane, charged with assaulting a man named M'Grath; if it is a fact that a sentence of two months' imprisonment, with hard labour, was passed upon Sheehan and Linane was discharged; if the only evidence against Mr. Sheehan was that of M'Grath, who swore that he was assaulted by the prisoners on the road between Clonlara and Limerick on the afternoon of March 31st; if it is a fact that evidence was produced to prove that M'Grath had no sign of violence upon his person as late as 11 p.m.; that he spent the night drinking in Limerick until 11 o'clock p.m. when he was refused further drink; and that he was found next morning at 6.30 a.m. asleep outside the door of a public house; if it is a fact that M'Grath is a notorious and incorrigible drunkard, and has been fined upwards of fifty times for drunken and disorderly conduct; if Mr. Sheehan has appealed against the sentence of Majors Evanson and Irwan; and, whether, if the facts be as stated, he will recommend to the Lord Lieutenant to order that no further proceedings be taken against Mr. Sheehan?


This case was hoard and disposed of on the 13th of April, as stated in the Question; but as the magistrates' decision is now the subject of an appeal now pending in a Court of Justice, I must obviously decline to make any statement as to the facts or merits of the case.