HC Deb 30 November 1882 vol 275 c388

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, If the Prisons Board (Ireland) ever received any paper or report or pamphlet on the Irish Prisons Penal Labour System, written by the Governor of Mount joy Convict Prison; and, if so, if he will have any objection to lay a Copy of same upon the Table?


On the 15th of January last the Governor of Mount joy Prison submitted to the Prisons Board in manuscript some remarks on the utilization of convict labour with a request that he might communicate them to a periodical. The reply conveyed to him by the Board was that they did not approve their officers contributing to the Press. On January 26 he re-submitted the document, with a request that it might be forwarded to the Chief Secretary—I was not Chief Secretary at the time, and have not seen it—and it appears that in October last each member of the Prisons Board received a printed copy of what they believed to be the same matter, headed "For private circulation only." I do not think this is a kind of document which ought to be laid upon the Table.