HC Deb 30 November 1882 vol 275 c390

asked the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies, To explain the progress made with the harbour works of Colombo, including the breakwaters; the amounts expended by the Colony; the sums advanced by Government; the original amount of the estimate; the calculated excess for works yet to be completed; the arrangements made by the Colony for finding funds to finish the works; and the decision of Government in regard to advancing the balance of the promised loan of £250,000; and, whether the Minute of the Lieutenant Governor, reviewing the state of the works and the expenditure, will be laid before Parliament?


The harbour works were commenced in 1876, and considerable progress has been made. The south-west breakwater is nearly completed. The question of proceeding with or deferring the northern breakwater is under the consideration of the Ceylon Government. The total expenditure up to August 31, 1882, was £542,177. There has been £125,000 advanced by Government. The original Estimate was £630,000. The consulting engineer places the probable total cost, including the additional breakwater, at £903,710. The Legislative Council of Ceylon has agreed to provide a further sum of £150,000. The balance of a £125,000 loan from the Public Works Commissioners is available when required; but the credit of the Ceylon Government is so good that, for the present, they are able to borrow at a more favourable rate in the open market.