HC Deb 25 May 1882 vol 269 c1614

asked the Postmaster General, If his attention has been directed to the very imperfect and unsatisfactory telegraphic arrangements between the towns of Reigate and Redhill, in the county of Surrey; these places are less than two miles apart, and contain eight thousand and ten thousand inhabitants respectively; they used, until lately, to be united by a wire, but now all messages between them and the surrounding populous towns and villages have to make a circuit of fifty miles, and are subject to much delay and uncertainty, having to pass through a busy London office; and, whether he will 'cause measures to be taken to remedy this evil?


In reply to the hon. Member, I have to state that the system of wires in the neighborhood of Reigate and Redhill has recently been under consideration, and it has been decided to make certain improvements. Under the new arrangement, Reigate will have a communication with Redhill by a direct wire.