HC Deb 22 May 1882 vol 269 cc1266-7

asked the Secretary to the Admiralty, If he would state what was the original estimated cost of H.M.S. "Inflexible," and what had been the actual or approximate expenditure upon her when she was finally completed for sea, including the cost of her machinery, armament, and rigging, but exclusive of consumable stores and provisions; what are her designed speed and her actual speed when ready for sea; and, what are her designed and actual load draughts of water?


It is the fact that, owing to many circumstances, there is a considerable difference between the original estimated cost of the Inflexible and the amount acually expended upon her. It would not be convenient to the House, however, that the causes of this difference should be explained in answer to a Question; and I would suggest to my hon. Friend to move for a Return on the subject, which will be granted.


said, that as he required to know for Parliamentary purposes the cost of Her Majesty's ship Inflexible, he should repeat his Question on Thursday next. He thought it was very remarkable that such a piece of information as that should have been refused.


explained that he had not refused to give the information, but that he had stated it was rather a complicated piece of information to give; and to spare the time of the House, and to meet its convenience, it was better that it should be moved for as an unopposed Return.


thought that what the hon. Member did say was that there was no difficulty in giving the information, but that he could not enter into explanations. ["No."]