HC Deb 27 July 1882 vol 272 c1970

asked the Secretary to the Treasury, Whether, in view of the comparatively small number of occupiers of land in Ireland who come within the conditions laid down by Treasury Minute of 21st December 1881 for loans under Clause 31 of the Irish Land Act, 1881, namely:—That they must borrow at least £100; that the sum borrowed must not exceed five times the rateable value of the holding; thus excluding all rated under £20 absolutely, he will take into consideration the reduction of the minimum to £50 (while maintaining the second condition), so as to allow the system to be fairly tested?


The working of the Minute of the 21st of December last has been too short to allow any conclusion to be formed as to the expediency of modifying its conditions; but my attention is directed to the subject, with a view to seeing how the intentions of Section 31 of the Land Act may be best fulfilled. My hon. and gallant Friend must not, however, understand me to admit that any definite alteration will have to be made.


asked when the monthly Return promised by the Prime Minister two months ago, showing the loans granted under this section, would be laid on the Table?


said, he would furnish the Return up to a recent date.