HC Deb 07 August 1882 vol 273 c952

SELECT COMMITTEE—Report—Contagious Diseases Acts [No. 340].

SUPPLY—considered in Committee—ARMY ESTIMATES, Votes 7 to 25; ARMY (INDIAN HOME CHARGES), £1,100,000; AFGHAN WAR (Grant in Aid), £500,000; CIVIL SERVICE ESTIMATES, Class III.—LAW AND JUSTICE, Votes 22 to 35.

PUBLIC BILLS—Second Reading—Prison Charities* [270]; Public Works Loans* [269]; Expiring Laws Continuance * [266]; Citation Amendment (Scotland) * [267].

Committee—Royal Irish Constabulary [264]—R. P.

CommitteeReport—Revenue, Friendly Societies, and National Debt [260]; Government Annuities and Assurance* [190]; Merchant Shipping (Mercantile Marine Fund) [256]; Somersham Rectory * [222]; County Courts (Advocates' Costs) * [188].

CommitteeReportThird Reading—Pensions Commutation * [252], and passed.

Considered as amendedThird Reading—Artizans' Dwellings [255]; Intermediate Education (Ireland) * [258], and passed.

Withdrawn—Municipal Corporations (Unreformed) * [220].

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