HC Deb 03 August 1882 vol 273 c596

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, Whether his attention has been called to the Mormon riot at Hackney, and to previous disturbances at Mormon meetings; and, whether, as the United States Government has declared polygamy to be illegal, some means can be found to prevent the emigration to Utah of young women and others who may be ignorant of the American Law on the subject?


With reference to the first part of this Question, I may say that I have seen no reports of Mormon riots either at Hackney or elsewhere. I must remark, as regards the latter part of the Question, that I find new duties almost every day thrown on the Home Office; but I have no authority to prevent young women from emigrating to Utah, or any other place, if they please, nor can I inquire into their matrimonial views or their knowledge of the American law.