HC Deb 24 April 1882 vol 268 c1250

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether it is a fact that, on Sunday the 9th instant, the constabulary tore down and destroyed placards which were posted in Lady's Island, county Wexford, inviting the tenants on two neighbouring estates to meet, in order to discuss the best manner of protecting their interests; and, whether he has sanctioned such action on the part of the police; and, if so, whether the Irish Executive intend to prevent, in the south of Ireland, meetings of tenants similar to those constantly held, unmolested, by the farmers of Ulster?


, in reply, said, it was the duty of the police to remove placards of an unlawful character. Placards had been posted announcing a meeting at this place, and a meeting had been held at which a "no rent" resolution was unanimously adopted. [Mr. HEALY: Hear, hear!] When the placards were put up for the second meeting the police considered that the adjourned meeting would be of a similar character, and removed the placards, as was their duty.