HC Deb 24 April 1882 vol 268 c1241

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether Messrs. James F. Daly, John Holloway, and Michael Bush, were released from the Limerick Gaol on April 1st without the usual caution being given to them by the Governor; if it is the fact that the Governor followed one of those suspects, James F. Daly, to the rooms lately occupied by the Limerick Central Land League, and the other two to the private residence of the Secretary of the Limerick Ladies' Land League, and there administered the caution; and, whether the Government approve the Governor's course?


, in reply, said, that the facts, as stated in the Question, were substantially correct. The Government did not approve the course taken by the Governor of Limerick Gaol in this matter, and had already signified to him their disapproval of what he had done. It was to be mentioned, however, in justice to the Governor of the Gaol, that he released the "suspects" in question in consequence of telegraphic instructions to do so, which were sent for the convenience of the prisoners themselves, in order that they might be liberated in time to reach their homes that same day.