HC Deb 19 May 1881 vol 261 c790

asked the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies, If he can state the number of British subjects murdered since the 1st of January 1880, including the officers and crews of the "Ripple," "Esperanza," "Lolia," "Mystery," "Borealis," "Dauntless," "Annie Brooks," and H.M.S. "Sand-fly," in the Pacific, and how many of the murderers have been tried at Levuka or elsewhere?


Sir, at least 40 British subjects have been murdered, to say nothing of Chinese and others not British subjects, though sailing under the British flag, and very probably more, for I fear that even the long list of ships given by the right hon. and gallant Gentleman is not exhaustive. Not one of the murderers concerned in these outrages either was or could have been tried at Levuka or anywhere else by any British authority, even if he could have been found. The High Commissioner of the Western Pacific has merely jurisdiction over British subjects. The only punishment that could be inflicted in these seas on savages who ar not British subjects is by acts of war, and with acts of war the Department which I have the honour to represent has nothing directly to do. The repression of such acts as those to which the Question refers belongs to the Admiralty.