HC Deb 14 March 1881 vol 259 c902

asked the President of the Local Government Board, Whether, after the recent decision of the House of Lords in the Hampstead Hospital case, he is prepared, by legislation or otherwise, to secure to the inhabitants of the Metropolis the advantages which were intended to be conferred by the establishment of hospitals for fever and small-pox under the provisions of "The Metropolis Poor Act, 1867?"


Sir, I am desirous of doing what the hon. Member asks; but the matter is one of much complication, and I am not prepared, until I have had more time to review the whole subject, to indicate what steps should, in my opinion, be taken to meet the present difficulty. I may add that the recent decision of the House of Lords has only been given with regard to one of the appeals in the case, and a month has been allowed to the managers to prosecute the second appeal if they think proper to do so.