HC Deb 17 June 1881 vol 262 c769

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether he has taken any steps to keep himself informed as to the character of the evictions which have taken place since the close of last Session; and, if so, whether he can inform the House approximately as to the number of evictions which have been executed against small tenants of less than £ 10 yearly valuation, and the number of evictions which have been executed against tenants of a higher valuation?


Sir, I have obtained what information I could as to the character of these evictions; but that information, from its very nature, is, and must be, generally of a confidential character. The hon. Member also asks me if I can inform the House approximately as to the number of evictions executed against small tenants of less than £10 yearly valuation, and the number of evictions executed against tenants of a higher valuation. I have succeeded in getting the valuation in 673 cases of eviction since the 1st of August last. That is all I have been able to get, and the Return does not include any subtenants; but, as the hon. Member knows, they are very often replaced immediately after the eviction of the head tenant. Of these cases, I find that in 322 the valuation stands at £ 10 or under, and in 351 it was over £10. I believe that will include a very large majority of the cases of eviction from agricultural holdings in Ireland. On Monday last the hon. Member asked me if I was aware that the majority of the tenants, in reference to whom ejectments had been issued, occupied holdings valued at less than £8 a-year, which, in many cases, materially exceeded the Government valuation. I stated at the time that I thought that must be a misapprehension, and I am now certain that it is so.