HC Deb 13 June 1881 vol 262 c337

asked the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Whether a Treaty has been recently concluded between Austria-Hungary and Servia, under which paper, stonework, pottery, glass, iron, and steel, whether manufactured or partially manufactured, coming from the customs territory of Austria-Hungary are to be admitted into Servia at half the duties charged on such materials imported from any other country; whether, by a Protocol annexed to this Treaty, Austro-Hungarian trade marks are to have priority of registration in Servia over the trade marks of third countries; whether these preferential rights accorded to Austria-Hungary are consistent with the "most favoured nation "Clauses of the Treaty between Her Majesty and the Prince of Servia concluded in February 1880; and, whether Her Majesty's Government will state what course they have adopted, or are prepared to adopt, with the view of preventing this violation of the Treaty rights of this country, and the consequent injury to British trade, and lay upon the Table the Treaty with its annexes, together with any Correspondence on the subject with the Governments of Austria-Hungary and Servia?


Sir, the whole matter is engaging the most anxious and careful attention of Her Majesty's Government. It is hoped that means will be found of obviating any injurious effects to British trade likely to arise from arrangements between the Austrian and Servian Governments. It is not advisable to lay Papers on the Table at present.

In reply to a further Question by Sir H. DRUMMOND WOLFF,


said, Her Majesty's Government had warned the Servian Government that they must adhere strictly to their Treaty engagements towards Great Britain.