HC Deb 11 August 1881 vol 264 c1533

asked the President of the Board of Trade, If it is correct that, according to the last Returns of the Board of Trade, only eleven per cent, of passenger carriages throughout the United Kingdom were fitted with automatic continuous brakes in conformity with the requirements of the Board, as prescribed in their circular dated 30th August 1877; if it is correct that, at present, only seven of the ninety Railway Companies have adopted brakes in conformity with those requirements; and, if so, whether any steps are being taken in this direction by the remaining Companies?


, in reply, said, the statement contained in the first two paragraphs of the Question were correct. As to the third paragraph, he might state that, within the last few weeks, there had been meetings of the Chairmen of the leading Railway Companies, and he understood that negotiations were in progress for the adoption of continuous brakes such as had been recommended by the Board of Trade, and he hoped that progress might be made in the matter.