HC Deb 08 August 1881 vol 264 c1204

asked the First Lord of the Treasury, Whether, having regard to the fact that Parliament have from time to time passed Votes of Thanks to Generals of the Army for successful triumphs in War, he will propose a Vote of Thanks to General Sir Evelyn Wood for the distinguished services which he has recently rendered to this Country in South Africa by peaceful means?


Sir, in answer to this Question, I must say that General Sir Evelyn Wood is not the only person who has rendered service, and excellent service, to the Crown and the country in South Africa; but the time has not yet arrived when we can regard the important transactions in which they have been engaged as being altogether concluded; and, therefore, the time has not yet arrived for considering any such matter as that indicated by the hon. Member's Question. I ought also to say, as my hon. Friend probably knows, that the Votes of this House, although not absolutely limited to military services, yet are by precedent in every case limited to military service or to auxiliary services in connection with military service. But, as the hon. Member has referred to the name of Sir Evelyn Wood in particular, I think that it is only right that I should state that Her Majesty's Government have the highest sense of the zeal, the ability, the judgment, and the tact, as well as right feeling with which Sir Evelyn Wood has conducted the matters intrusted to his control in circumstances of very great difficulty indeed.