HC Deb 27 May 1880 vol 252 c532

asked the First Lord of the Treasury, Whether it is in his power to hold out any hope of his being-able before long to introduce a measure for the better government of counties and for the valuation of property?


Sir, I am sorry I am not able to define a time at which it will be in our power to introduce a measure for the better government of counties and for the valuation of pro-perty—especially for the better government of counties. All I can say is that the question of local government is one of those questions which, in our estimation, stand in the very first rank as to importance and urgency of those questions which will require our attention. In proportion to the wide scope, and the vast importance of the subject, is the difficulty of fixing the time when we can attempt to deal with it. We have other competing claims to consider; and, at the present moment, I am sure my hon. Friend will not think I am undervaluing the just weight that attaches to his Question when I say I hope he will not expect me to define a time. I shall be sorry if it is not in the power of the present Administration to submit measures embodying the whole of our views with regard to them.