HC Deb 04 March 1880 vol 251 c411

said, he did not know whether the Government were bringing in the same Bill which was introduced last year; but he had objected to that measure on the ground that it did not deal with the employment of vehicles at elections, and had pointed out that the law was universally broken, while, at the same time, he had moved a Resolution that it should be either enforced or repealed. He begged to give Notice that he should move a similar Resolution on the second reading.

On Motion of Mr. ATTORNEY GENERAL, Bill to amend and continue the Acts relating to Election Petitions and to the prevention of Corrupt Practices at Parliamentary Elections, ordered to he brought in by Mr. ATTORNEY GENERAL and Mr. SOLICITOR GENERAL.

Notice taken, that 40 Members were not present; House counted, and 40 Members not being present,

House adjourned at a quarter before Three o'clock.