HC Deb 01 March 1880 vol 251 c27

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, If his attention has been called to the Reports of the vaccination officers of the Durham guardians for the year 1878, in which they state that out of 2,381 children born in the Western and St. Nicholas district, 305 died from the effects of vaccination, and during the first six months of last year the number of deaths in the same union were 141 from the same cause; and, what measures he intends adopting in order that this excessive death rate may be diminished?


I have caused the Returns of the vaccination officers of the Durham Guardians for 1878 and 1879 to be examined. They contain no information as to deaths caused by vaccination. What they do contain are statements in separate columns, showing in the one the total number of births, in the other the number of children who have died before vaccination. As the numbers thus given correspond very closely with the figures stated in the Question, I am driven to the conclusion that "the excessive mortality" shown is the mortality of children who died without being vaccinated at all. As I am unaware of any deaths having occurred from vaccination, it is impossible for me to adopt steps to prevent them.