HC Deb 21 June 1880 vol 253 c417

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, If his attention has been drawn to several cases of aggravated assaults in the last year for which sentences of six months and under were awarded; and, if these cases were all tried under the same statute as the case of John O'Shea, of Limerick, who got five years' penal servitude last December for an assault on Lord Fermoy, although Lord Fermoy did not receive the slightest bodily harm?


Sir, in. answer to the first part of the Question, I have to say that my attention has not been particularly called to several cases of aggravated assaults within the last year, where sentences of six months and under were awarded. I do not know whether the hon. Member refers to England or Ireland; but if he means English cases, they have not been brought under my notice; and if he means Irish cases, my attention would not, of course, be called to them. No criminal cases in Ireland come under the jurisdiction or consideration of the Home Office. Therefore, if the hon. Member thinks there are grounds for an application for the remission of the sentence in the case he refers to, that application should be made to the Irish Government, for the Home Office never considers the revision of sentences in respect of Irish cases.