HC Deb 26 February 1880 vol 250 c1439

asked Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, If there is any foundation for the report that Sir Rivers Wilson is likely to return to Egypt with the view of assuming official duties in that country; if this be the case, then whether he can inform the House as to the nature of the duties Sir Rivers Wilson is to assume; whether the appointment in contemplation is to be of new creation in addition to the appointments instituted last year for insuring the Anglo-French control then established; and, whether, on acceptance of this post, Sir Rivers Wilson is to sever all connection with the British Civil Service, or whether an arrangement is under consideration whereby while acting officially in Egypt he will be permitted to retain a right to rank as a member of the British Civil Service?


Negotiations are in progress with reference to the proposed Commission of Liquidation; but I am not in a position to give the House any information on the subject.