HC Deb 24 February 1880 vol 250 c1297

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Departpart, Whether, having regard to the report of Mr. Walpole, one of the Inspectors of Fisheries, dated Jan. 24, 1880, on the subject of the Solway Fisheries, in which he states that the English fishermen have a right to complain of the state of the Law, and that their complaint in this respect can only be redressed by placing the whole Firth under uniform legislation, the Government will institute the inquiry into the subject which the Inspector further recommends with a view to such legislation?


in reply, said, he entirely agreed that there should be uniform legislation for the whole Firth; but there were difficulties in the way. The first step he had thought right to take was to give instructions that an English Inspector and a Scotch Inspector should proceed to the spot, and report to him on the subject.