HC Deb 16 May 1878 vol 240 c30

asked the President of the Local Government Board, Whether, pending the passing of the County Government Bill, he will take any steps to carry out the recommendation of the Lords' Committee on Floods; and, whether he will introduce or facilitate any measure for placing the control and management of Rivers in the hands either of new Conservancy Boards or of existing Local Authorities?


, in reply, said, the clause referred to was inserted in the County Government Bill, not with the view of giving complete effect to the recommendations of the Lords' Committee on Floods, but with the object of taking a useful step in the direction indicated by that Report. The subject had not been lost sight of by the Government, and he hoped there would be more complete legislation with respect to it before long. He could not, however, give any assurance that he would lay on the Table any further measure dealing with it during the present Session.