HC Deb 25 July 1878 vol 242 c221

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, If his attention has been drawn to the circumstances under which the coroner for East Surrey declined to hold an inquest upon the body of Mr. Joseph Fulton, of East Dulwich, notwithstanding that the circumstances surrounding the case led to an investigation at Scotland Yard, and that there was no medical certificate of the cause of death?


in reply, said, he had no jurisdiction over a coroner, who had to exercise his own discretion, subject, of course, to punishment by other authorities if he failed to exercise it properly. This matter was brought under his own notice in the course of last month, and the coroner informed him then that the information he received on his inquiry was obtained from two doctors who had attended the deceased, and who stated that his death was what they expected; that they had thoroughly examined him, that his heart was very feeble, and that he had other complaints. From information subsequently received at the Home Office, he thought it right to cause inquiries to be made. The police did make inquiries, and reported that there was not the least suspicion of foul play.