HC Deb 04 April 1878 vol 239 c531

asked the Vice President of the Council, Whether his attention has been called to the loss of grants in the case of elementary schools compelled to engage an uncertificated teacher on the understanding that he or she obtained the certificate within 12 months; and, whether he can suggest any means of mitigating this grievance?


Sir, our attention has been called from several quarters to what certainly appears a real grievance, and we have endeavoured to meet the difficulty by a Minute, which I hope will shortly be laid upon the Table. Perhaps the simplest way in which I can explain the matter is by giving a sketch of the Minute, which will probably be to the following effect:— If the Inspector reports favourably of a school and recommends the issue of a certificate to the teacher without examination, or that the teacher be admitted to examination, the grant may be made, subject to the fulfilment of the usual conditions, for the year then ending, but will not be renewed, unless in the meantime the teacher has passed the examination for a certificate, or has been replaced by a certificated successor. I trust this answer will be satisfactory to my hon. Friend.