HC Deb 23 March 1877 vol 233 c377

asked the President of the Board of Trade, For what reasons the survey of grain-laden vessels at the port of Taganrog and other ports in the Sea of Azof has been discontinued since the 20th of May, 1876; and, whether, if the circumstances of these ports require loading vessels to remain at a great distance from the port they could not be provided for by a preliminary survey at Kertch as the vessels enter the Sea of Azof?


Sir, the reason why the lading of grain cannot be inspected at the ports of the Sea of Azof, is that the vessels do not load at any one port, but in a roadstead from places scattered over 20 to 25 miles. A preliminary survey at Kertch as the vessels enter the Sea of Azof would be a survey of empty hulls, and not of the mode of stowage; and, as the vessels come out laden, inspection of the mode of stowage would be equally impossible then.