HC Deb 19 March 1877 vol 233 c106

asked the Secretary of State for War, If he will inform the House what was the average number of soldiers in hospital during the years 1875 and 1876 respectively?


Sir, in 1875, exclusive of the Malta Royal Fencible Artillery and of black troops in the West Indies, the Coast of Africa, Ceylon, and China, in a strength of 169,235 non-commissioned officers and men, 7,680—being at the rate of 45.38 per 1,000 of the strength—were constantly in hospital. If the Colonial troops above mentioned are added—strength, 2,212; daily sick, 113—the proportion of those constantly in hospital will be 45.45 per 1,000. For 1876, as the annual Returns from commands abroad have not yet been received, the statistics can only be given approximately, but probably very closely. Those constantly in hospital in 165,905 noncommissioned officers and men were 7,528—being at the rate of 45.37 per 1,000 men. Adding Colonial troops—strength, 2,037; daily sick, 96—the proportion of those constantly sick in hospital for the year will be 45.39 per 1,000. The distribution of those constantly sick in hospital in 1875 in the various commands may be seen in the Army Medical Department Report for that year, page 1.