HC Deb 07 June 1877 vol 234 c1443

asked the right honourable Gentleman the Member for the University of London, Whether, as he has given Notice of his intention, on going into Committee of Supply, of calling attention to the Fuller and Leeds Case, and moving a Resolution upon it, he will, considering the great interest which is taken in the subject, undertake not to bring forward the Motion without previously informing the House on what day he proposes to do so; and, whether, as it is desirable that the House should have an opportunity of expressing its opinion on so important a Motion, he will also undertake not to bring it forward at a time when a Division cannot be taken upon it?


said, he had put down a Notice of Motion on that case on going into Committee of Supply, because it was his hope and his belief—which he had by no means abandoned—that the Government having raised that question, would give them a whole night for its consideration. At any rate, he could assure his hon. Friend the Member for Hackney that he would do everything in his power in order that the matter should be fully and fairly discussed, and would not take any course which would at all tend to burking or slighting the question in any way. He took that opportunity also of saying that he should be obliged to expand his Motion a little, not altering it to any material extent, but adding to it words of which he would give due Notice.