HC Deb 23 July 1877 vol 235 c1660

asked Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Whether the Treasury Warrant for the promised scheme of promotion and retirement in the Royal Marines will be laid upon the Table of the House at the same time as the Warrant for the new scheme of promotion and retirement in the Army?


in reply, said, the scheme, or any measure which the Government might adopt with regard to the promotion and retirement of Royal Marines, would not form the subject of a Treasury Warrant, but of an Order in Council, which would be submitted to Her Majesty in the usual way by the Lords of the Admiralty. He understood that the Report of the Committee upon which the scheme would be founded had been kept back until the Government had decided on the scheme for the Army, which would be in the hands of the Admiralty in the course of a few days. The case of the Marines would differ from that of the Army, because an Army Warrant would require a Vote of money, whereas the money needed for the Marines had already been voted.