HC Deb 23 April 1877 vol 233 c1667

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland, If a stricter inspection of cattle, sheep, and pigs, previous to exportation, cannot be enforced in Ireland, so that the ratepayers of Pembrokeshire may be spared the expense and anxiety of providing quarantine at Neyland for the constantly occurring cases of foot and mouth disease from that Country?


I believe, Sir, there is very little foot-and-mouth disease in Ireland at present, and I am not aware of the basis for the hon. Member's reference to the "constantly recurring cases" of that disease which he states arrive at Neyland, Pembrokeshire, from Ireland. If he has any private information which he will furnish to the Government, I shall be glad to inquire into it. I believe, however, that the inspections of cattle at those ports of Ireland from which the exports were made to Pembrokeshire, are most carefully made.