HC Deb 19 June 1876 vol 230 c9

asked the Secretary of State for War, in relation to Captain Roberts of the 94th Regiment, On what day Captain Roberts was placed under arrest; on what day he received warning of a court martial for the 27th instant; on what day he was asked, as stated by the Right honourable gentleman, whether he desired to have the court martial appointed for an earlier date than the 27th; and, whether any time or opportunity was afforded him of consultation with his legal or other advisers before answering that question?


, in reply, said, it was on the 13th June that Captain Roberts received an intimation that the court martial on him would be held on the 27th, and at the same time he was asked if he would like an earlier date. He did not request any time in which to make a reply, but on the 15th instant he said he should not be ready before the 27th.