HC Deb 03 April 1876 vol 228 c1096

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland, Whether, having regard to the fact that many of the existing Deputy Clerks of the Peace gave up practice as solicitors on their appointment, and have for many years ceased to practice, and in consequence are rendered ineligible by the 68th Clause of the Civil Bill Courts (Ireland) Bill to be appointed Clerk of the Peace in event of a vacancy, the Government will make provision in the Bill for the continuance in office of the existing deputies during their lives, notwithstanding any new appointment to the office of Clerk of the Peace, or will provide for the appointment of existing Deputy Clerks as joint principals, as promised by the late Government in 1871; and, whether the Government will introduce a scale of superannuation allowance for Deputy Clerks of the Peace?


, in reply, said, the Solicitor General for Ireland had already introduced a Bill defining the duties and position of these officers, and if the hon. Gentleman would refer to that Bill, which would be circulated to-morrow morning, he would find the information he desired.

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