HC Deb 13 July 1875 vol 225 c1378

asked the Postmaster General, Whether the new postal tariff, which affects Foreign Countries and came into operation on the 1st of July, will be extended to British India, to Canada, and the other Colonies, and when such change will take place?


, in reply, said, that a copy of the Postal Union Treaty, signed in October last, was communicated to the Government of India and the Government of the British Colonies in December, and in that letter reference was made to the provisions of the Treaty respecting the entrance into the Union of countries beyond the seas. Each Government was requested to state whether it desired to be admitted, but up to the present time replies had been received from only two Colonies—Western Australia and Newfoundland—and the Governments of those Colonies declined to enter into the Union. From no other Colony nor from British India has any definite reply been received. As soon as the views of the different Governments were known, Her Majesty's Government would consider what steps should be taken to facilitate the entrance into the Union of such Colonial Governments as might desire to come in.

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