HC Deb 23 April 1875 vol 223 c1509

asked the Secretary of State for War, Whether, having regard to the fact that in the distribution of honours and rewards after the Ashantee war combatant officers were rewarded in the proportion of about one in three of those engaged, medical officers in the proportion of about one in nine, he will give some assurance to the House that in any contemplated or fresh distribution of honours to the Army such a grave disproportion will receive his attention, with the view to its remedy?


Sir, in the unavoidable absence of the Secretary of State for War, perhaps I may be allowed to answer the Question of the hon. Member. It is considered that the medical officers engaged in the Ashantee Expedition have received their full proportion of the honours and rewards bestowed on that occasion, and I am unable to hold out any definite assurance with regard to any future proceedings.


gave Notice that on an early day he should call attention to the subject.