HC Deb 15 April 1875 vol 223 c968

I wish to give Notice, that on the Order of the Day to-morrow I shall move this Resolution— It having been stated in" The Times "and" Daily News "newspapers of the 9th instant, referred to in the Order of the House of the 13th instant, that a letter, professing to be written by M. Victor Herran, Honduras Minister in Paris, and addressed to the Right honorable Robert Lowe, Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Loans, was read and made part of the proceedings before the Select Committee on Foreign Loans on the 8th instant, that it be referred to the said Committee to report to the House whether such letter was produced and read before the said Committee and under what circumstances, and whether any copy of the said letter was communicated by or on behalf of the said Committee to the said newspapers or either of them.