HC Deb 06 April 1875 vol 223 c369

asked the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Whether he will make inquiries into a case of alleged ill-treatment of two Englishmen who are stated in "The Times" of April 5th, to have been arrested by Italian gendarmes while making a walking expedition from Florence to Ravenna, and while so engaged were taken up, locked in a cell, and on the following morning were manacled together and marched a distance of twelve miles into Ravenna, where they were taken to the prison and deprived of all their property; and whether, should the statement prove correct, proper redress will be asked for?


I have to state, Sir, in reply, that a report on this case has been received which is substantially identical with that which has appeared in the Press. The matter was referred by the Consul at Florence to Sir Augustus Paget, who at once addressed a representation to the Italian Government, asking for a searching inquiry to be made. There has not yet been time for the answer to that representation to be received.