HC Deb 21 March 1874 vol 218 cc209-10

Considered in Committee.

(In the Committee.)


, in moving— (1.) That it is expedient to provide for the payment, out of the Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom, of one moiety of the Salary of the Assistant Judge of the Court of the Sessions of the Peace for the county of Middlesex. (2.) That it is expedient to provide for the payment, out of moneys to he provided by Parliament, of the remuneration to the Deputy of such Assistant Judge, and of any person appointed to preside as Chairman of a second Court. (3.) That it is expedient to amend the Laws relating to the payment of the Assistant Judge of the Court of the Sessions of the Peace for the County of Middlesex and his Deputy, and the Chairman of the Second Court at such Sessions,' said, that it would be necessary to introduce a Bill upon the subject of the Resolutions, in consequence of the salary attaching to the office of Assistant Judge of the Middlesex Court ceasing on the resignation of the late Judge, Sir William Bodkin. The county had agreed to divide the salary of the future Judge with the Treasury, and the Treasury had agreed to the sums—which were not yet sanctioned by law—to be paid to the Deputy Judge and the Chairman of the Second Court.

Resolutions agreed to; to be reported upon Monday.