HC Deb 03 August 1874 vol 221 c1148

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland, Whether it is the intention of the Government to carry out that portion of the Report of the Inspectors of Irish Fisheries, with regard to having a cutter or gunboat placed permanently under their control for the protection of the fisheries, and to enable the Department to carry out desirable experiments; and, whether it is the fact that, although the Scotch Fishery Board has for this purpose a vessel of 100 to 150 tons, with a crew of 22 men; and, when required, the aid of as many gunboats as may be necessary, the Irish Fishery Department has not under its control even one such vessel?


Sir, the recommendation to which the hon. Member alludes is contained in the Report of the Inspectors of Irish Fisheries, which has been recently issued, and the Government have not yet had time fully to ascertain whether the requirements of the Fishery Department demand the exclusive use of a cutter or gunboat. I may say, however, that whenever the Inspectors have asked for the use of a Government vessel to enforce the fishery laws or preserve order, their request has been invariably complied with, as far as practicable with other demands on the Royal Marine. For example, they have had the use of gunboats on the East Coast of Ireland, where the herring fisheries are carried on; on the South Coast, at Kinsale, for the preservation of order during the mackerel fishery; and for the salmon fishing at the mouth of the Blackwater, near Youghal. The Scotch Fisheries are much more extensive, and are resorted to by more fishermen of foreign nationalities; and it cannot but be a satisfaction to any one connected with Ireland that it should be more easy to preserve order among her fishermen, and to secure the due execution of the fishery laws in her waters, than is the case in Scotland.