HC Deb 16 April 1874 vol 218 c624

informed the House that he had received from the Judges selected for the Trial of Election Petitions, pursuant to the Parliamentary Elections Act, 1868, Certificates and Reports relating to the Elections for the Borough of Kidderminster; and for the Borough of Hackney. And the same were severally read. In the matter of the Kidderminster Election:—A Petition against the late Return of Albert Grant, esquire, for the Borough of Kidderminster, having been duly presented, and afterwards application made for the withdrawal of the Petition—Mr. Justice Bramwell reported "that the withdrawal of the said Petition was not the result of any corrupt arrangement, nor in consideration of the withdrawal of any other Petition. In the matter of the Hackney Election:—Mr. Justice Grove certified that he had duly held a Court for the trial of the Election Petition for the Borough of Hackney, between William John Gill, Petitioner, and John Holms and Charles Reed, Respondents; and further certified—"That at the conclusion of the said trial I determined that the said John Holms and Charles Reed, being the Members whose Election and Return were complained of in the said Petition, were not duly elected and returned.