HC Deb 21 July 1873 vol 217 c657

asked the Secretary of State for War, If it be not the fact that the Commander-in-Chief of the Forces in Ireland has been absent from duty about fifteen months out of the last thirty; and, if not, how many; whether, during all that absence, he was allowed to draw command allowance and table allowance while the duties and expenses for which these allowances are made devolved on others; and, whether, since this question was first asked, the accounts containing these allowances have been examined over the above period in order to ascertain the facts, and whether they have been found in order?


in reply, said, the General Commanding in Ireland had been absent from Ireland the time mentioned. His absence was occasioned partly by professional duty in England, partly by attendance in Parliament, and partly by sick leave. His pay and allowances had been drawn by him. The Accountant General had, however, raised objections to certain portions of them, extending over the years 1871–2 and 1872–3, and these objections were the subject of a Correspondence not yet concluded.


I shall move for the production of the Correspondence when completed.

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