HC Deb 20 June 1872 vol 211 c1995

asked Mr. Attorney General for Ireland, Whether the Report of the Judgment delivered by Mr. Justice Keogh in the case of the Galway Petition, and which is to be placed upon the Table of the House, is to be the Report as it was originally taken by the shorthand writer, or that Report revised by Mr. Justice Keogh?


said, he had no official information on this subject beyond that possessed by any other Member of the House, and any knowledge he might have, had been derived not in his official capacity. A communication had been made to him by the printer of the House—who, no doubt, thought he would like to be informed on the subject—to the effect that Mr. Justice Keogh had returned the proofs with the least possible delay, and had substantially done nothing beyond making—to use the printer's own words—"typical amendments."