HC Deb 30 July 1872 vol 213 c109

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, Whether, considering the very small progress made with the Intoxicating Liquor (Licensing) Bill on Saturday, he is still of opinion that that Bill can receive the consideration it demands at this advanced period of the Session?


, in reply, said, he was so far from considering the progress made on Saturday as unsatisfactory, that he believed the discussion which then occurred was more profitable than any that had yet occurred on the Bill. It was the first opportunity of testing the real opinion of the House on a most difficult question; and he thought very clear indications were given of what that opinion was. He therefore considered the greatest difficulty of the remaining portion of the Bill had been overcome. It was the intention of the Government to press the measure forward, and he had no doubt, with the good will of Parliament, the Bill would become law before the conclusion of the Session.


wished to know for what day the Bill would be fixed?


said, that would depend a good deal on the progress made with other Business to-day. He had very little doubt the Bill would come on on Thursday.

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