HC Deb 04 July 1870 vol 202 c1358

said, he wished to ask the Under Secretary of State for India, When an answer may be expected to arrive at the India Office regarding the Memorial from the Nawab Nazim of Bengal, which was received at the India Office on the 29th of July last year, and forwarded to the Governor General, by whom it was received in February last; and, if any reasons can be assigned for the delay which has taken place in arriving at a decision respecting the contents of the said Memorial?


In reply, Sir, to the noble Lord's first Question, I have to say that I have no means of forming any opinion as to when an answer to the Nawab Nazim's memorial may be expected. I know that very elaborate document is engaging the attention of the authorities in India, who are anxious to push on its consideration as much as possible, but I know also that the case is a most intricate one, demanding much historical official research, extending over a century. In reply to the noble Lord's second Question, I know nothing of any avoidable delay having occurred other than the trifling delay arising from an accident in one of the public offices in Calcutta, which I mentioned some time ago in answer to a Question in this House.