HC Deb 04 April 1870 vol 200 c1172

said, he wished to ask the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies, Whether there is any truth in the report that Imperial Troops are to be sent to the Red River Settlement; and, if so, whether he has any objection to lay upon the Table Copies of any Correspondence on the subject between the Colonial Office and the Governor General of Canada?


said, in reply, that as the Correspondence in reference to the Red River Settlement was not concluded, it would not be convenient at present to lay it on the Table; but he might inform the House that, in consequence of the disturbances at the Red River Settlement, the Government of Canada had asked that a small body of British troops should be employed in the first establishment of the settlement. The Red River Convention had also requested that British troops might be sent to preserve peace between the different sections of the community. Complaints had also been made by the Government of the United States of thefts committed by persons residing at the Red River Settlement upon their citizens. Under these circumstances, the expediency of despatching a small body of troops was under the consideration of Her Majesty's Government; but no definite arrangement had yet been made on the subject.