HC Deb 16 March 1869 vol 194 c1463

said, he wished to ask the President of the Board of Trade, Whether he has considered the desirability of introducing a dietary scale for Seamen into the Mercantile Marine Bill; and, whether he has been informed that the carrying out of the Admiralty Scale for Troops and Her Majesty's Emigration Commissioners' Scale for Emigrants has been highly satisfactory, and that a similar scale for Seamen could now be arranged without entailing additional cost to shipowners?


, in reply, said, the answer he had to give to the Question put by his hon. Friend was very short. By the Merchant Shipping Act of 1854 a dietary scale, as agreed upon between the parties, was to be inserted in the articles of agreement. The Board of Trade had no power in the matter; and, generally, he might say he thought that to settle questions of what should be the supply of food between employer and employed would not be a very desirable occupation for that Department.